Turkish TV Channels -- a list
(too old to reply)
2009-03-09 01:55:46 UTC
In Turkey,they only have TWO TV Channels.
Hoi, Jay-K... Try this...


Or did your mother have a bigger list of lovers and you a bigger list of possible biological fathers?
2009-03-26 21:08:06 UTC
Post by choro
In Turkey,they only have TWO TV Channels.
Hoi, Jay-K... Try this...
Or did your mother have a bigger list of lovers and you a bigger list of
possible biological fathers?
Nice, kolon-nik deserves to be unmasked as a racist and a Greek-hater. A
"small" compilation of this neo-nazi's postings: ----------- Message-ID:
<9C2ai.21502$***@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk> I can only think of ONE
nation that can brag about being dishonest! No award for guessing who
they might be! -- choronik ------------ Message-ID:
<00k8i.57348$***@fe3.news.blueyonder.co.uk> What you have got to
bear in mind is the very fact that other older civilizations preceded
the Greek syphilization. <G> So bear that in mind next time you start a
sermon! -- choronik -------------- Message-ID:
<DYK4i.31213$***@fe3.news.blueyonder.co.uk> I wonder why they say
count your fingers after shaking hands with a Greek! -- choro-nik
--------------- Message-ID:
Fuck the croaking frogs!!!
-- choro-nik -------------- Message-ID:
<wTXii.18060$***@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk> But DO tell me why on
earth would a beautiful Slavonic girl choose a hairy Greek brute in the
first place? You can bet your last dime that the only beautiful "Greek"
girls are in fact Hellenized Slavonic girls. -------------- Message-ID:
<1%%gi.30501$***@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk> Better to be a Slav or
Bulgarian than being a Greek, I'd say. ------------- Message-ID:
<jOghi.31109$***@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk> Now, you see, THAT'S
what I call "syphilized". When two Greeks meet at the door, they keep
telling each other in a very civilized manner, "After, you". "No, no.
No, after you!" Do you know why? Well, I'll tell you. BECAUSE THEY DON'T
with Greeks? They might stab you in the back but at least that's not as
dishonorable as one Greek being Grikked by another behind their backs.
---------------- "I dedicated my life in promoting Turkish-Greek
friendship" the pathetic TROLL said?! LOL LOL LOL
More of kolon-nok's racist postings: -------------------------
Message-ID: <DzlZf.81240$***@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk> The only
thing original was the discovery or should I say the *invention* of the
"Greek Style" -- "a la Grec". And just think of it, it took mankind
until the 21st century to make that respectable with "Gay Marriages". We
ARE progressing and trying to catch up with ancient Greece. LOL.
------------------------- Message-ID:
<ynAWg.32392$***@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk> The 'homo' culture by
far was the ancient Greek culture which your bastard modern Greeks are
maintaining. In fact it is the only ancient Greek attribute that you are
maintaining. 'Ere enjoy a Turkish Cock O'Turk! -- choro-nik *******
-------------------- Message-ID:
<s1OWg.121927$***@fe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk> Grik from the Grik
word Grikko meaning Jack as in jacking up cars etc. Griks jack one
another up. It's their favorite pastime, innit? Just study the
depictions of Griks Grikking one another on ancient Grik pottery. Get to
know your Grik culture, bwoy!!! It is expected of you otherwise you will
be excommunicated by the Grik Orthodox Church. -- choro-nik *******
----------------------- Subject: Barbaric Greek Act Defines INHUMANITY
"choro-nik" <choro-***@tvcom.net> wrote in message news:dbrSg.52483$***@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk... Greek Coastal
Security literally dumps Tunisian, Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese migrant
workers into the sea. Turkish Gendarme save 31 of them after their cries
for help are heard on the Turkish mainland but not before 6 of them
(including 3 Tunisians, 1 Palestinian, 1 Algerian, and 1 Iraqi migrant
workers) drown and only their bodies are recovered while 3 Tunisians are
still missing. Here is just a para from the report in the Turkish daily
Hurriyet about this inhumanity of man to man....
-- choro-nik ******* ------------------- LOL He is indeed a...peaceful
and Greek-loving Turk;-)))))))
